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cemetery planning
Cemetery Plans
Reana del Rojale, Udine, Italy
Municipality of Reana del Rojale
Architectural Plans
The municipal administration of Reana del Rojale commissioned the preparation of redistribution plans for the existing municipal cemeteries that serve the various suburbs that make up the municipality.
The specific plans for each separate location take into account the current interments relative to demands for new inhumations. A functional ground plan is hypothesized in taking into account estimated future burials, the site layout, existing arrangements, applicable sanitary regulations and mortuary authorities.
Aside from the primary objective of programming and managing a system that involves the rotation of the exhumation and burial process, the plan aims to make the most of the available space without expanding the cemetery.
After careful study and a survey of the condition of the premises, it was established that all the bodies that had been buried for at least 20 years could be exhumed. That would free up a large area, solving most of the problem of capacity in the cemeteries.
The geological and mineralogical structure of the soil and the level of the water table also had to be considered. Sufficient time for the complete mineralization of the remains must take place before an exhumation can occur.
Particular attention is given to the structures of cemeteries as a whole. Everything that could possibly be done to improve the functionality of the cemetery was planned, pathways, lighting and the possible automation of key elements.
One of the most important factors was to get the cemeteries wheelchair-accessible. Every cemetery is required to made structural adjustments, provide dedicated parking, adapt walkways and include paved areas and curb ramps.

cemetery planning
Cemetery Plans
Reana del Rojale, Udine, Italy
Municipality of Reana del Rojale
Architectural Plans
The municipal administration of Reana del Rojale commissioned the preparation of redistribution plans for the existing municipal cemeteries that serve the various suburbs that make up the municipality.
The specific plans for each separate location take into account the current interments relative to demands for new inhumations. A functional ground plan is hypothesized in taking into account estimated future burials, the site layout, existing arrangements, applicable sanitary regulations and mortuary authorities.
Aside from the primary objective of programming and managing a system that involves the rotation of the exhumation and burial process, the plan aims to make the most of the available space without expanding the cemetery.
After careful study and a survey of the condition of the premises, it was established that all the bodies that had been buried for at least 20 years could be exhumed. That would free up a large area, solving most of the problem of capacity in the cemeteries.
The geological and mineralogical structure of the soil and the level of the water table also had to be considered. Sufficient time for the complete mineralization of the remains must take place before an exhumation can occur.
Particular attention is given to the structures of cemeteries as a whole. Everything that could possibly be done to improve the functionality of the cemetery was planned, pathways, lighting and the possible automation of key elements.
One of the most important factors was to get the cemeteries wheelchair-accessible. Every cemetery is required to made structural adjustments, provide dedicated parking, adapt walkways and include paved areas and curb ramps.