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speciality designs
RG Gaming Room
Osoppo, Udine, Italy
Architectural Design, Project and Safety Management
1440 m³
The project entailed the enlargement of an existing small gaming room. The brief was to include all the spaces that were not being used and all the renovations had to be carried out while still keeping the gaming room operational. The object was not simply to create a room full of slot machines but to develop a true entertainment center, with the appropriate layout and finishes, balancing comfort with an assortment of technologies.
After considerable demolition and a rebuilding process , a large open plan, non-smoking lounge was created with a reception, bar and lounge which features a big screen. To one side of the this area, a betting room equipped with videos and computer workstations was created and at the other end there is an enclosed gaming area for smokers.
All design choices were selected to create an inviting but uncluttered space. The gaming areas are however well defined and they don’t intrude on the meeting and relaxing zones.
The choice of a red carpet sets the tone for the other finishes which go from warm to dark. The lighting is modulated and a main focus of the multi-level ceilings, creating a play of intensity and colours. The only partitioning wall is the one that is used to isolate the smoking area and this is made of transparent glass with an automatic sliding door.

speciality designs
RG Gaming Room
Osoppo, Udine, Italy
Architectural Design, Project and Safety Management
1440 m³
The project entailed the enlargement of an existing small gaming room. The brief was to include all the spaces that were not being used and all the renovations had to be carried out while still keeping the gaming room operational. The object was not simply to create a room full of slot machines but to develop a true entertainment center, with the appropriate layout and finishes, balancing comfort with an assortment of technologies.
After considerable demolition and a rebuilding process , a large open plan, non-smoking lounge was created with a reception, bar and lounge which features a big screen. To one side of the this area, a betting room equipped with videos and computer workstations was created and at the other end there is an enclosed gaming area for smokers.
All design choices were selected to create an inviting but uncluttered space. The gaming areas are however well defined and they don’t intrude on the meeting and relaxing zones.
The choice of a red carpet sets the tone for the other finishes which go from warm to dark. The lighting is modulated and a main focus of the multi-level ceilings, creating a play of intensity and colours. The only partitioning wall is the one that is used to isolate the smoking area and this is made of transparent glass with an automatic sliding door.